Initial Coordination of the Expansion of the Desa Cantik Program in Rungkut District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

Initial Coordination of the Expansion of the Desa Cantik Program in Rungkut District

Initial Coordination of the Expansion of the Desa Cantik Program in Rungkut District

December 13, 2024 | Other Activities

On Friday, December 13, 2024, the BPS Surabaya City Desa Cantik Team coordinated with Tambaksari District. In this meeting, the team from BPS Surabaya City met with the Rungkut Sub-district Head and all village heads. Mrs. Wulan, as the Head of the Desa Cantik team, explained several things related to the purpose of implementing Desa Cantik development. As the Head of the District, Mr. Maskur is very enthusiastic and enthusiastic to support the implementation of the Desa Cantik development in the Rungkut District area. He and the village heads are committed to the success of these activities, starting from conducting socialization within the scope of their respective villages, providing the necessary data, being ready to take part in the entire series of coaching, to becoming the Rungkut District office as the secretariat for the development of Desa Cantik for the Rungkut area. Hopefully with high enthusiasm in this initial meeting, it will be a positive step in future coaching. In the future, all villages in Surabaya can realize One Village Data
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