Desa Cantik Development in Bulak District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

Desa Cantik Development in Bulak District

Desa Cantik Development in Bulak District

January 6, 2025 | Other Activities

On January 6, 2025, located in the Bulak District meeting room, the BPS City Desa Cantik Team conducted coaching in Bulak District which was attended by representatives of Bulak District and representatives of all villages in Bulak District.

In this activity, the BPS Surabaya City Desa Cantik team provided socialization and explained the results of the Desa Cantik program that had previously been implemented in Gayungan, Tenggilis Mejoyo, and Lontar Villages. In addition, the appearance of the village website and several menus that need to be completed by the village are also shown.

Hopefully every step taken will further strengthen the collaboration between the community and the government, creating a Surabaya that continues to develop, be more advanced and prosperous.
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