Jawa Timur Province Tourism developments December 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

Jawa Timur Province Tourism developments December 2016

Jawa Timur Province Tourism developments December 2016Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 17, 2017
File Size : 0.38 MB


The number of foreign tourists who came to Jawa Timur through the entrance of Juanda in December 2016 reached 21,415 visits or decreased by 7.40 percent compared to the number of foreign tourists in November 2016 which was 23,126 visits. Cumulatively, the number of foreign tourists in January - December 2016 reached 220,570 visits or an increase of 9.82 percent compared to the number of foreign tourists in the same period of 2015 which reached 200,851 visits.
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