The East Java Fishermen Exchange Rate (NTN) in January 2020 increased by 0.51 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

The East Java Fishermen Exchange Rate (NTN) in January 2020 increased by 0.51 percent

The East Java Fishermen Exchange Rate (NTN) in January 2020 increased by 0.51 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 3, 2020
File Size : 0.58 MB


  • Starting January 2020 there will be a change in the base year in calculating the Fishermen Received Price Index (It) and the Fishermen Paid Price Index (Ib) from base year 2012 = 100 to base year 2018 = 100. Both types of indexes are important components in calculating Fisherman Exchange Rates (NTN). This basic year change was made to adjust changes in production patterns, production costs, and consumption of fishermen households. In base year 2018 = 100 there was an increase in the number of commodities in both the It and Ib commodity packages compared to base year 2012 = 100.
  • Fishermen Exchange Rate (NTN) is a comparison of the price index received by Fishermen (It) against the price index paid by Fishermen (Ib). Is one indicator to see the level of ability / purchasing power of fishermen. NTN also shows the exchange power (terms of trade) of capture fisheries products with goods and services consumed as well as for production costs.
  • In January 2020, NTN of East Java Province was 98.51, an increase of 0.51 percent compared to December 2019 which reached 98.01.
  • The development of NTN in January 2020 against January 2019 (year-on-year) rose by 0.38 percent.
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