East Java Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP) in May 2020 decreased by 0.42 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

East Java Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP) in May 2020 decreased by 0.42 percent

Release Date : June 4, 2020
File Size : 0.55 MB


• Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP) of East Java in May 2020 decreased 0.42 percent from 99.43 to 99.01. The decrease in FTT is due to the price index received by farmers (IT) which has decreased higher than the price index paid by farmers (IB).
• In May 2020, four agricultural subsectors experienced a decline in FTT and one subsector experienced an increase. The subsector that experienced the largest decrease in FTT occurred in the Horticulture sub-sector by 2.44 percent from 100.41 to 97.96, followed by the Food Crop sub-sector by 0.20 percent from 100.48 to 100.28, the Livestock sub-sector by 0.17 percent from 97.53 to 97.36, and the People's Plantation Plantation sub-sector by 0.13 percent from 97.84 to 97.71. While the subsector that experienced an increase in FTT was the Fisheries subsector by 0.37 percent from 95.21 to 95.56.
• Out of the five Provinces in Java that did NTP calculations in May 2020, Three provinces experienced a decrease in NTP, and Two Provinces experienced an increase. The largest decline in FTT occurred in Banten Province by 2.09 percent, followed by West Java Province by 1.56 percent, and East Java Province by 0.42 percent. While the provinces that experienced an increase in NTP were Central Java Province by 0.60 percent, and Yogyakarta Special Province by 0.13 percent.
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