
Product - Publication

Gross Regional Domestic Product of Surabaya Municipality by Expenditure 2017-2021

Gross Regional Domestic Product of Surabaya Municipality by Expenditure 2017-2021

Catalog Number : 9302020.3578
Publication Number : 35780.2204
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : April 28, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.9 MB


Gross Regional Domestic Product according to expenditure (GRDP Expenditure) is a form of displaying economic data of a region, in addition to other forms of display such as GRDP by business field, Input-Output Tables, Socio-Economic Balance System, and Fund Flow Balance. In the framework system economic data of a region, GRDP expenditure is a basic measure that describes the use of goods and services produced through production activities. In this context, the GRDP Expenditure describes the "final" result of the production process that takes place within the territorial boundaries of an area. The calculation of GRDP through the expenditure approach is inseparable from the calculation of the GRDP through the production approach. However, the GRDP of Expenditure is estimated independently using relatively different baseline data. GRDP Production describes production activities, as well as the income received by the owner of the factors of production involved (remuneration for production factors). Meanwhile, the GRDP of Expenditure describes the expenditure activities carried out by economic actors to obtain the goods and services produced. Through the GRDP of expenditure, it can also be seen that the relationship with the supply of goods and services originating from domestic as well as from imports. Through this relationship, a macro balance point can be seen between the supply side and the demand side for goods and services.
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