Horticulture Statistics of Surabaya Municipality 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

Horticulture Statistics of Surabaya Municipality 2023

Catalog Number : 5204003.3578
Publication Number : 35780.24049
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 31, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.68 MB


The Horticultural Statistics Survey is conducted annually by the Surabaya Municipality Food Security and Agriculture Office in collaboration with the Surabaya Municipality Statistics Office (BPS). The survey gathers information on harvested area, production yield, and productivity of various types of horticultural crops in Surabaya. The results of the 2023 Horticultural Statistics Survey in Surabaya are presented in the form of graphical reviews and tables, detailed by commodity for each type of horticultural crop.This publication aims to illustrate the development of horticultural statistics in Surabaya Municipality from 2019 to 2023. In addition to data presented in concise reviews and tables, explanations regarding the survey background, methodology, concepts, and definitions are also provided. These details are intended to help data users better understand and utilize horticultural statistics. This publication is expected to serve as a reference for local government, academics, business practitioners, and the general public in analyzing and planning the development of the horticultural sector in Surabaya Municipality.
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