Initial Coordination of the Expansion of the Desa Cantik Program in Bulak District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

Initial Coordination of the Expansion of the Desa Cantik Program in Bulak District

Initial Coordination of the Expansion of the Desa Cantik Program in Bulak District

December 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the BPS Surabaya City Desa Cantik Team coordinated with Bulak District in the context of expanding the Desa Cinta Statistik development program in Surabaya City which will be carried out in 153 urban villages in Surabaya City.

This activity was attended by representatives of Bulak District officials. It is hoped that through the collaboration between the BPS of Surabaya City and the City Government, this can be a good start in realizing the Desa Cantik program in the City of Surabaya which aims to increase the capacity of the village in identifying its data needs and potential.
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