Desa Cantik Development in Sukomanunggal District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

Desa Cantik Development in Sukomanunggal District

Desa Cantik Development in Sukomanunggal District

December 18, 2024 | Other Activities

On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at the meeting room of the Sukomanunggal District office, BPS Surabaya City conducted Desa Cantik coaching for all villages in Sukomanunggal District. At the coaching which was attended by the Sub-district Head, Secretary and all village heads in Sukomanunggal District, BPS Surabaya City explained the importance of implementing Desa Cantik development. In addition, it is also displayed about the village website where some data needs to be updated. After this, the development of Desa Cantik in Sukomanunggal District will be carried out again with the theme of discussing the making of infographics and the preparation of monographs. Hopefully, through the development of this Desa Cantik, it can realize One Indonesian Village Data (SDDI) so that it produces quality data directly from the source
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