Coaching in the Context of Expanding Desa Cantik in Sukolilo District, Surabaya City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

Coaching in the Context of Expanding Desa Cantik in Sukolilo District, Surabaya City

Coaching in the Context of Expanding Desa Cantik in Sukolilo District, Surabaya City

December 24, 2024 | Other Activities

On December 24, 2024, BPS Surabaya City expanded the coaching for the Cinta Statistik Village program in Sukolilo District. This event was attended by representatives from 7 villages in Sukolilo District who will later become statistical agents in their respective villages. At this meeting, the coaching focused on the introduction of Desa Cantik programs, especially on fostering the management of the village website sourced from the village database and uploading the village profile video on the website display of each village. In the future, there will be coaching in making infographics, publication of village figures and village monographs.
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