CTI Quarter IV-2019 Jawa Timur 108.29 and CTI Quarter I-2020 Estimated 107.47 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surabaya Municipality

CTI Quarter IV-2019 Jawa Timur 108.29 and CTI Quarter I-2020 Estimated 107.47

CTI Quarter IV-2019 Jawa Timur 108.29 and CTI Quarter I-2020 Estimated 107.47Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 5, 2020
File Size : 1.03 MB


The Jawa Timur Consumer Tendency Index (CTI ) in Quarter IV-2019 was recorded at 108.29, illustrating the improved economic condition of consumers compared to Quarter III-2019, which was at a level below 100.
  • CTI Jawa Timur in the first quarter of 2020 is estimated at 107.47 decreased Consumer optimism compared to the previous quarter due to more pessimism about buying durable goods.
  • National CTI in Quarter IV-2019 was 107.86 lower than Jawa Timur (108.29). Likewise in Quarter I – 2020, the estimated CTI in East Java was 107.47, also above the National CTI , the National CTI was estimated to only be 103.23.
  • Of all provinces in Jawa, CTI Quarter IV-2019 Jawa Timur with 108.29 occupies the fourth position after DKI Jakarta (112.64), DI Yogyakarta (110.11), and Banten (109.11) while the fifth position is occupied by Jawa Tengah (106.48) and finally Jawa Barat Province with CTI 105.69.
  • Jawa Timur CTI estimates in the first quarter of 2020, amounting to 107.47 ranked second when compared to other provinces on Jawa. Banten Province in the first position (114.85), sequentially with the highest CTI estimate after East Java is DI Yogyakarta is (106.77), Central Java (103.24), DKI Jakarta (102.44), and Jawa Barat in last position (102.36).
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